Feb 2024–present: Copy-editor: East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine (Brill)
2020–present: Copy-editor, European Journal for the History of Medicine and Health (Brill)
2018–present: English-language editor, Early Science and Medicine (Brill)
2018–present: Copy-editor, English writer, UNICEF Country Office, Jordan
Book copy-editing
- Roelants, Earthly Adams and Pious Philosophers
- Lüthy & Nicoli (eds.), Atoms, Corpuscles and Minima in the Renaissance
- Wang, Handling “Occult Qualities” in the Scientific Revolution: Disciplines and New Approaches to Natural Philosophy, c. 1570-1730
- Cellamare & Mantovani (eds.), Descartes in the Classroom [with work now underway on a companion volume by the same editors, Cartesian Images]
- Bellis, Garber & Palmerino (eds.), Pierre Gassendi: Humanism, Science, and the Birth of Modern Philosophy (Routledge Studies in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy)
- De Vries, Reformation, Revolution, Renovation: The Roots and Reception of the Rosicrucian Call for General Reform
- Hines, Steinke & Zumthurm, Schweitzer’s Lambaréné: A Hospital in Colonial Africa (Working Title), in preparation
- Colwell, Curlew Moon
- Segre, The Invisible Cage – Memoirs of an ADHD Sufferer (forthcoming)
Book indexing
- Jones, Doctors for Export: Medical Migration from Ireland c.1860 to 1960
- Müller-Wille & Brandt, Heredity explored: between public domain and experimental science
Book typesetting and Indexing
- Kennett, The Lord Treasurer of Botany
Work for charities and NGOs
Long-term Arrangement for Writer & Copy-editor Services: UNICEF Jordan (since Aug 2018)
- Editing reports in conformity with the UNICEF STYLE BOOK
- The following are examples of reports I have edited that were subsequently published online:
◦ Youth Entrepreneurial Readiness in Jordan: High Interest, Low Success Rates
◦ Barriers to Economic Participation for Young People in Jordan: A Gendered Analysis
◦ The Transition to Adulthood in Jordan: Supporting Youth Aspirations
◦ Youth Transitions to Adulthood in Jordan: High Aspirations, Challenging Realities
◦ ODI How to maximise the impact of cash transfers for vulnerable adolescents in Jordan
◦ Supporting Vulnerable Children’s School Participation and Wellbeing: UNICEF’s Hajati Cash-Transfer Programme, Post-Distribution Monitoring Report for the 2019/20 School Year
In addition to my work for UNICEF, I have copy-edited reports for International Alert, e.g.:
◦ Participatory action research: A method to repair fractured social relations – Lessons from a project in the Democratic Republic of Congo
◦ Deriving maximum benefit from small-scale cross-border trade between DRC and Rwanda
◦ Maintaining peace and stability in Mali’s Sikasso Region: Strategies to contain land-related conflicts