Recent work

Feb 2024–present: Copy-editor: East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine (Brill)
2020–present: Copy-editor, European Journal for the History of Medicine and Health (Brill)
2018–present: English-language editor, Early Science and Medicine  (Brill)
2018–present: Copy-editor, English writer, UNICEF Country Office, Jordan



Book copy-editing
Book indexing
Book typesetting and Indexing

Work for charities and NGOs

Long-term Arrangement for Writer & Copy-editor Services: UNICEF Jordan (since Aug 2018)

In addition to my work for UNICEF, I have copy-edited reports for International Alert, e.g.:
Participatory action research: A method to repair fractured social relations – Lessons from a project in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Deriving maximum benefit from small-scale cross-border trade between DRC and Rwanda
Maintaining peace and stability in Mali’s Sikasso Region: Strategies to contain land-related conflicts